Marple Local History Society

Marple, Marple Bridge, Mellor, Compstall, Strines, Hawk Green, Rose Hill, High Lane.


 Left to right in the front row: Sir Alliott Verdon-Roe, Roy Chadwick, Russian pilot Mr Gwaiter, and Australian pilot Bert Hinkler, posing alongside an AVRO Baby light aeroplane in 1922. The men on the far right and behind are unnamed.

Monday 4th February

'Manchester Aviation' - Frank Pleszak

Furness Vale History Society

All of our meetings are held at Furness Vale Community Centre,


Monday 11th February

'The Deansgate Story' - Keith Warrender

Altrincham History Society

Subscriptions are £8p.a. or £15 to include a spouse or partner. Visitors are welcome, and are charged £2 per meeting.

Starting 7.30pm. Meetings are held at Altrincham Town Hall, Market Street, Altrincham WA14 1PG, in the Old Council Chamber, on the first floor (lift available).


Friday 14th February

'St.George’s: A Church through time' - Joseph Darlington

New Mills Local Hitory Society

Meetings are held in New Mills Town Hall (SK22 4AT), on Friday evenings (usually), starting at 7:45pm.


Monday 17th February

'Overpaid and over-sexed and coming to a railway project near you: The Railway Navvies: Hard men noted for their high wages and tough living' - Kevin Harrison

Marple Local History Society

Doors open 7:15pm ready for the meeting at 7:45. Visitors are welcome to attend at a cost of £4.


Out & About

Please note that, though every effort is made, the society cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information below, alas the compositor is only too human.  Please check via websites etc.

TV and Radio Listing

A  list of BBC TV & Radio history and related programmes for the week, provided by the BBC History Magazine on-line, can be found here.

This includes the BBC radio and television programmes along with those on commercial television.

History Extra podcast comes out every week,  the website.

Some of Manchester's Museums

John Rylands Library

John Rylands Library

Imperial War Museum North

 Details on the museum's opening times, exhibition etc on the IWMN website.

Peoples History Museum

Details on the museum's exhibitions on the People's Museum website.

Manchester Museum of Science & Industry (MOSI)

The museum's present 'What's on' section can be found here MOSI website.

Manchester Museums List ( Manchester City Council Website)

A list of museums and galleries from the Manchester City Council website.