Browse Items (257 total)

  • Collection: Churches

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Photocopy of Blotter for James H Vernon, Complete Funeral Furnishers of 55 Stockport Road, Marple. Telephone number Marple 79

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Leaflet with Statement of Accounts for All Saints Church, Marple. Year ending December 3lst 1927.
Presented by the Parochial Church Council. Summary of Offertories and Collections.

Booklet for Thanksgiving Day 20th June 1897 for All Saints, Marple. Price 2d
Twelve Hymns with tunes suitable for use at Services in Commemoration of the Queens's Long Reign.

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Photocopy of letter headed Windsor Castle dated 22nd June 1887 from Queen Victoria with regard to a gift of money.
This document came from All Saint Church
Original letter in Correspondence folder : CRE/01/01

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Dates of the correspondence date from 1913 - 1958

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Correspondence relating to Parish Hall with MUDC & Cheshire County Council, re leasing of Parish Hall for British Restauant 1941.
Also work done on Parish Hall re de-requsitioning.

Three Original Forms of Service :
July 1915 : Two Forms of Service in memory of those connected with Marple who have fallen in the War at All Saints
April 1918 : Manchester Cathedral in Memory of Officers, Non commissioned officers and…

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Photocopy of OS map (Second Edition) dated 1898 showing location of All Saints Church and its surroundings on A3 paper.

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2 Typed pages with miscellaneous information of burials at All Saints Church from 1659.

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Five original copies of Marple Outlook Magazine dated May 1963, July 1961, August 1961, November 1966 and February 1970

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Typed list of Special Collections and Sidesmens Rota

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Typed pages entitled : The Select Vestry of the Overseers of the poor for the Township of Marple 1820 - 1828

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Original Marple Vestry Minutes Book 1849 - 1889. Elections of Overseers of the Poor and notice of Poor Rate Assessment April 1899.

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Two handwritten pages dated June 22nd 1899 giving details of Meeting at All Saints Vestry

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Typed transcript taken from All Saints Church, Marple : Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held in the Parish Hall 4th April 1963, and Annual Parochial Church Meeting : 1962.

Two Black & White copies of engravings of All Saints Church one showing graveyard and people the other internal dated 1874 titled "Restoration & Enlargement".

Black and White Sketch of All Saints Church by Hugh Paton dated 1900.
Photocopy of sepia photograph of All Saints Church : Undated, notes query if before new old Saints? Stables and Roundhouse

Original notice for the Parish or Township of Marple giving notice that a meeting of the Vestry at All Saints Church signed by the Overseer of the Poor.
Also fragment relating to the Poor Rate 1870.

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Newspaper article from 6th June 1959 reporting the Demolition of Old Church on card
Black & White Photograph showing Church during demolition.

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Typed one page document describing the inscriptions of five Tomb stones exposed under the ruins of All Saints Church
Copied June 1963

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Photocopies of pages 149 - 85 from A. T. Thacker : Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 130 under Diocesan Records on the Court Case headed "Disorder at Marple Church" which shows tensions after the Restoration in…

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Pages from Marple Parish Magazine with chapter headings "Some notes on Marple Hall Old Church" by Arthur Hulme Part 1 from March & April 1930,

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Two photocopies of Poem entitled Our Old Church and Churchyard dated November 8th 1893 from A parishioner of All Saints Church in aid of the Churchyard extension.
Two printed cards from All Saints School, Marple with Scholars' Anniversary Hymn,

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Photocopy of Publication for Private Circulation of an address to the Parishioners by Reginald S Adams the Vicar in 1886. Brief history, recollections summary and Schedule of activities of the Church.
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