Misc. typed and handwritten notes covering history of All Saints Church, Court Case in 1824 with account of theft of bibles and prayer books, description of interior and tablets, poem "The clock & the Bell"
Original sketch showing the proposed additions (taken from the Plans) of the Ancient Church and Chapel Yard dated June 14th 1805 with scale, references and notes.
Copy Reference and Accounts of Pews for Marple Chapel, taken from originals dated 1805 - 1807. Also handwritten and typed transcript showing seating numbers and allocations.
Black & White photocopy of Brochure entitled "All Saints, Marple Building Centenary 1880 - 1980" giving history with photographs of Incumbants, interior / exterior of church.
Various original documents relating to legacy of £100 from Joseph Vaughan of .the "Ash", Marple to All Saints Church.
Charity Commission documents and correspondence dating 1898 - 1950
Two copies of handwritten documents with information and record numbers kept at Chester relating to mortgage between Revd R S Adams to Governors of Queens Ann Bounty for mortgages taken out to fund alterations to Vicarage.
February and May 1901
Photocopied documents relating to the Application for Registration as a Charity and handwritten details of the for bequest from John Wright of Brabyns Hall last will and testament dated January 1867.
(pages 346 -349) Unknown source
Photocopy of application document from the Charity Commission dated 1879 with regard to several endowments for The Free School given names and James Shepley Cotton Manufacturer of Marple making the application as the sole surviving Trustee plus…
Photocopy of Conveyance between Representatives of Mrs Gladys Taylor of "Tresco" Marple and Marple P C C dated 2lst March 1949 regarding freehold of above dwellinghouse.
Plus correspondence and envelope addressed to Rev Spackman, containing…
Photocopy of handwritten document with details of Bequest to All Saints church dating from 1818 by John Nathaniel Wright of Brabyns 1818 to Lingard dated 1959.
Original Form of Service Booklet for the Institution and Induction at All Saints Marple. Institution by the Lord Bishop of Stockport, Induction by the Ven The Archdeacon of Macclesfield of Rev John Claydon M.A. on Wednesday 24th June 1981. …