Marple Local History Society

Marple, Marple Bridge, Mellor, Compstall, Strines, Hawk Green, Rose Hill, High Lane.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

The Society is very supportive of all efforts, including legislation designed to safeguard individual privacy. As such we will do our utmost to follow the six principles set out in the General Data Protection Regulation. We will aim to be:

  • Transparent
  • Specific
  • Minimal
  • Accurate
  • Secure
  • Accountable


We hold some or all of the following data for all members

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Gift Aid declaration

All information is recorded and stored on a database by the Membership Secretary. We do not hold any bank details.


This information is held for the sole purpose of keeping members informed of activities in which they might be interested such as trip schedules, future meetings, new publications and ad hoc activities.

By law, Gift Aid declarations are held for possible reference by the Inland Revenue.


We only collect information which is adequate and relevant. No more and no less than necessary. We do not hold financial details of any member.

The information is held for the following purposes:

  1. to advise you of forthcoming meetings, events and outings arranged by the Society and other organisations in which you might be interested.
  2. to advise you of changes and additions to the Society website and new publications which have been produced.


We ensure to keep all information accurate and up to date. Each year members are asked to confirm the accuracy of the data we hold and to give permission for us to hold that information.


Information is only kept as long as necessary for the specific purpose it was collected.

You can withdraw or amend your consent at any time by:

  • writing to 4 Chapel Houses, Marple, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 7LF
  • e-mailing the membership enquiries contact via the Officers page.
  • by following the unsubscribe link in the Mailchimp newsletter.
     (But remember, this will only remove your name from the circulation list; we will still have your contact details for other purposes.)

      You have the right to access the data we hold about you at any time. Please contact us by writing or e-mailing as above.

      If that data is incorrect we will amend our records immediately.


We ensure that information we hold is as secure as possible from external access. The master database is kept on a password-protected computer, which is not linked to the internet.

The only other officers of the society given access to this data are the chairman, the treasurer (for Gift Aid) and the visits organiser (for urgent contact). Any requests to contact must go via the Membership Secretary.

The only external agency which is given access to any of the membership details is the Mailchimp website which arranges the newsletter distribution each month. They only have the names and e-mail addresses of those members who have given us their e-mail addresses. This is a reputable and security-conscious organisation, which is used by government departments and large commercial concerns so we are confident that every precaution has been taken to safeguard our data.


All members of the committee are completely supportive of this policy and regard individual data protection as their key responsibility.

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External link for more information on GDPR 2018