Tuesday 6th February
'Brocklehurst. A collector of Egyptian antiquities and founder of Macclesfield's West Park Museum' with Linda Craig
Meetings are held at Furness Vale Community Centre, Yeardsley Lane, SK23 7PN, next to the Imperial Palace Restaurant. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start. Admission is £2 including refreshments or £1 for members. A licensed bar is usually available.
Wednesday 7th February
'The Highpeak Dambuster' with Frank Pleszak
Meetings are held at The Centre, Park Lane, Poynton. SK12 1RB. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start. Membership £12 for the season. Non-members £3 per meeting. Contact Numbers 01625 872068 or 875031 Membership £12 for the season.
Tuesday 13th February
'A Prospect of Arley' with Judy Popley
Subscriptions are £8p.a. or £15 to include a spouse or partner. Visitors are welcome, and are charged £2 per meeting.
Starting 7.30pm. Meetings are held at Altrincham Town Hall, Market Street, Altrincham WA14 1PG, in the Old Council Chamber, on the first floor (lift available).
Monday 19th February
'The Plaza Theatre' with Ted Doan
Marple Local History Society
Doors open 7:15pm ready for the meeting at 7:45. Visitors are welcome to attend at a cost of £4. For more details of meetings go here